Stubblefield Falls, Scotts Run Reserve, Old Georgetown Pike

by John Arnold
(Virginia Beach, Virginia)

Take exit 44 from Interstate 495. This site is on the right side of the road about 2 miles prior to the Great Falls Park. Parking could be a problem as the park has heavy use. Once in the unpaved lot you will see a series of stairs leading up to the 3 mile loop. About 50 yards past is a hard packed gravel road - for a quick route to the falls take this direction. It's about half a mile up over about a 75 foot rise and fall. On Jan 28th a large tree was down across the trail that must be passed under. Proceed towards the river and to the right is the rock and falls area.

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Jun 15, 2012
Update June 01, 2012
by: John ARNOLD

The downed tree has been removed from the trail. The area where my camera was positioned for my photo has been erroded by heavy rain and water flow, so a field of view that would put you in front of the falls, is now no longer there, as of June 01 2012

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