The Essentials

Rocky Gorge

G Rating 4.0
WOW Factor 4

Plumb Rating 


Height: 12'


Distance: 0.2 mi (RT)



GPS and Map Details
Latitude:   44° 0.239' N
Longitude: 71° 16.674' W
Elevation:   ~1,140 ft
Face:         ~350° (N)

Maps:  Topozone


Rocky Gorge from an outcropping


Another view of Rocky Gorge on the Swift River


Photo Tips


Waterfall Posters



New Hampshire



Rocky Gorge

Albany, Carroll, New Hampshire

Visit my personal gallery at Gardner Photography for larger high resolution waterfall photos

Rocky Gorge near Albany, Carroll County, New Hampshire

Rocky Gorge (8/1/2005, 39 mm, f/16, 1/6 sec, ISO 100)


This part waterfall, part cascade, is also known as the Upper Falls of the Swift River (as opposed to the Lower Falls, of course ).


Ok, the short of it is that Rocky Gorge is really nothing to write home about. 


The positive side is that the waterfall is easily accessible from Route 112, also known as the Kancamagus Highway.


It is certainly a popular spot.  Parking is nearby and people are plentiful.  It just happened to be on our way to Sabbaday Falls, a much nicer waterfall, so we stopped to take it in.



Getting There

The waterfall is located off of the Kancamagus Highway 9 miles west of Conway, New Hampshire or 26 miles east of Lincoln.  The parking area is easy to spot.  Just look for a bunch of cars.  The area is also called the Rocky Gorge Scenic Area.



Hike Details

The waterfall is 0.1 miles downstream from the parking area and is a "no brainer" to find.



Photo Tips

If possible try to get here early, late, or on an overcast day. This is an exposed area so your main problem here is light.


I tried to find some foreground objects to make things a bit less drab but only had limited success.  The granite rocks and lack of nearby foliage don't make this the most photogenic waterfall in the world.


I like to blur the water in most of my photos but the high water volumes here might look good with faster shutter speeds as well.  For slower speeds you will need a tripod.


A 28-70 zoom lens should work nicely here.


I always use a polarizer and here was no exception.  A slightly bluish cast resulted which I corrected with Photoshop.  Some polarizers now come with a warming filter "built in" to correct this but my filters are standard glass.  Color casts are easy enough to fix later.


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